3a. Museum of Paleobotany and Ethnobotany

3a. Museum of Paleobotany and Ethnobotany

The Museum of Paleobotany and Ethnobotany occupies part of the rooms on the top floor of the Castle.

The Paleobotany section displays plant fossils, models in terracotta and resin, dioramas, and a three-dimensional phylogenetic tree made of metal and fiberglass. Because plants fossilize worse than many animals, this type of museum is much less common than the more frequent paleontology museums.

The Ethnobotany section displays artifacts made using plant materials collected from local societies in remote parts of the planet. These objects are an example of activities with almost zero environmental impact, in line with complete sustainability.

The museum has an important educational aspect because it allows visitors to reconstruct both the evolutionary history of plants and their traditional uses, now disappeared from Western culture. For this reason, it arouses great interest among the public of the Botanical Garden.

03a Museo di Paleobotanica ed Etnobotanica